Although I didn't see the weight loss video coming at this time and in the way it did, it was always very obvious to me that he was playing a character and that he was way smarter than most people were giving him credit for, and that he knew EXACTLY what he was doing. Talking to people about him before The Video was always so weird because whenever I talked about him it seemed like I was watching a completely different person than them. People just viewed him through an extremely vapid, surface-level lens and treated him like any other "lolcow" (I hate that phrase) because he was fat and loud and obnoxious and they didn't even attempt to interface with the honestly rather obvious subtext in his videos (a lot of the time it was barely even subtext, and he was being outright explicit with his process). It's such a strange ironic catch-22 type situation because obviously he played the morons who only looked at him at a VERY surface level in the sense that he isn't a fatty fat boy anymore and he trolled them by being skinny lol. But he also played the people who "believed in him" and who are now unjustifiably smug about correctly psychoanalysing some random guy on the internet back in the day by putting a mirror in front of this whole sociopathic lurid tabloid-esque "the downfall of x youtuber type content," by showing that they will also take the social capital gained from telling everyone "I told you so;" and inso just making it another situation in which the content creator is the chad and the subject is the virgin in this situation. None of these youtubers genuinely cared about his physical health - they were either surface-level sociopathic morons laughing at funny fat man, or slightly less stupid sociopathic people who knew what he was doing, approached it from a more conservative and aloof way, and now want to act like they are championing his weight loss and newfound health, despite the fact that they profited just as much from the drama; and that said drama they contributed to directly contributed to his food addiction, which cannot be denied, despite the untold levels of irony Nikocado is operating on at this point.
And after all of this - Nikocado briefly mentions his weight loss and the sociodynamics of youtube in a cryptic manner, and then goes right back to stuffing his face in a mukbang, ostensibly repeating the cycle
Nikocado and his youtube output in general is some of the most profound artistic output of the 21st century and
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