I genuinely think that this album is the most viscerally emotive artwork on a base level ever created across all mediums, including music, literature, theatre, film etc. the actual composition is extremely simple and borderline neanderthal-tier, but it is an incredibly honest, intuitive and expressive work
a few years back when my depression was at its worst this album was the only thing which made me feel anything other than bleak anhedonia and endless gnawing anxiety, and I realise that sounds trite and corny but whatever. there's something Sisyphian about it, which is reflected both in the dour, pyrrhic music and the cover art (a literal sad bloke aimlessly walking up a hill)
tl:dr if you wanna feel booboo emotion listen to this crybaby sad man guitar music album
4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No.161817
>>161814most sparkling sexy vampire hunter you will ever meet
>>161817mate, he is a MENACE. he is determined to torment me with Pearl Jam
worst of all, he unironically likes them
we need to shut Brum down until we figure out what's going on
>>161819you have literally just described my concept of hell on earth