No.10[Last 50 Posts]
>According to professional psychologist Dr. David Jacobs, Aliens use telepathy and mind control to calm you or make you see what they want you to see. <This is how abductions happen. Apparently there are alien/human hybrids that look very human too, but can use the same mind control as the greys. The hybrids live in our society, but aren’t part of the government, as they don’t care about our governments.
>I've been a big fan of Dr John Mack, Budd Hopkins, and Dr David Jacobs work. <They've all worked with aductees and people have been saying the same things for decades, except that around every decade the abductions scenario changes.
>Around Betty and Barney Hills time, people reported getting sperm and eggs taken out. Women reported getting them taken back out. Women get pregnant despite not having sex, then having baby disappear with no trace of miscarriage or abortion.'Getting abducted later to meet the hybrid babies, holding the babies, women breastfeeding them.
<Teaching the baby's years later, now young kids, how life on earth works.
>All 3 doctors are comparing notes of patients all over the WORLD, people of all different classes and IQ, and noticing the MANY similarities.<They teach the now young adult hybrids how to shop at a grocery store, make small talk with strangers, rent apartments, basically how to fit in on earth unaware. Hybrids can neurologically control humans.
>Jacobs believes aliens are going to eventually take over after all of humans have been abducted. By the numbers he thinks 20% of humans are hybrids and don't know it.<I know people can validly be wary of hypnotherapy but all 3 doctors get a minute by minute account of abductions, and always try to lead people away from what everyone else is saying, but people (once again, of all races, IQs, work backgrounds, all around the world, this is the part that trips me out) say the same things. Since the 1960s.
Previous thread: No.16
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>>16nvm i also checked to box next to the delete button so it whined about not havin files all the time, just too retartet for this board
little bit rude
good thread
>>11that tranny right in the beginning is a hybrid 100%
>>33I have all of her 3 books but I have only read the 1st one
its really good also she is a really smart women :DDD
>>2514>>35Nice :DDDDD
I want to read all her books
why its always the grays. doesnt seem right that they are just like thin humans with big heads
>>44This, basically.
Real aliens would be horrid mollusc-like critters.
>>76Kek, almost forget about these guys
>op text
dr greer is a scam artist
>>117Nice, gonna watch it
I recommend you this channel, he posts legit macabre cases
teary eyes typing that. literally subhuman
>>126thats just stupid
why would they look like that
>>126purely functional von neumann probes
interesting alien dream -> most of dream is spent on me recounting it to some board that looks like northpole (not staffas)
how do you properly embed youtube videos?
ufos should look cool like in banylon 5 imo
>>193john malkovich becomes an ufo grifter :DD
Punp :D
Good threa
>>370same as cryptids like mothman
they are jinns in islam :DDD
>>372bruh cat fishing tinder is no fun anymore
guess the brothers figured out tinder is a scam :DDD
why all ufos look aerodynamic fucking scam