>>177833You know why dat post had very little meaning? Dat. That's wat I'm talking about. Family are most important people in life, not even president is more important(see, here President has only little p because He stands next to the family).
I dunno how to say it better. I can only say trust me on this one bro, if you have a brother you better not to lose him. And at the same time I can't say that abuse by family is good. But you gotta agree that abuse or not, family is simply irreplaceable. There won't be people like dat. People are very imperfect creatures, they might be unpredictable, illogical, self sabotaging. But in the end, maybe it is fine for them to be like dat. Maybe all dat matters is to see this imperfection and not turn people away. Maybe you could negotiate a better deal, maybe you'll find a way to deal with it.
So, really, problem is not that there are people who use other people, but people who allow others to use themselves. There are also many other problems with the "use" thing. When I was with my brother, he told me stories on how he lended money to his friends. You know, and friends didn't like to return dat money. That must be very frustrating… But it was he who gave them the money, even if it was on good beginnings. Not to say he was wrong and his friends were right, but you gonna see that both parties in this conflict would be likely to be not right than be right. You see, even if they didn't return money, he didn't just cut them. Even if this story is about friends and not family, it shows that many things are consequences of our own choices. How can we demand other people to be more perfect even if we are ourselves are very imperfect? How can we demand other people not to "use" us when it might be us who is doing it just we are blind to it?